
Beyond words


The heaven I carry knows not

Of vitiation or bitterness

Only speaks love

I’m a woman

The bridge of life

I am heaven on earth – Inhlanhla ka Segudla

Today we are with the beautiful Masego Inhlanhla ka Segudla. She is from Rustenburg in the North West. She is a student, model and writer. She shares with us her passion for writing and how God influences her work.

She passionately shares how she started writing, “I remember asking God if the challenges I went through were part of being chosen”. Clearly writing is more than a hobby to Masego, it is a calling. She writes from a personal perspective, her work reflects her life, her work is her testimony. She shares that she gets her courage to write about her personal life from God.  “Knowing He was there with me when everything went down gave me courage to write down my experiences”, she shares. She thrives off the love and grace of God. The love that God shows her makes her bold and fearless in her writing. When asked what her goal is with her writing, she shares that she wants to bring healing, comfort and inspiration to those that read and hear her work.

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