Their eyes were the eyes of a couple in love
They couldn’t control their eye contact
As he looked in her eyes
She bagan to smile at him
She became shy
Shyness provoked the true feelings hidden inside her heart
Her heart was full of joy
Excitement was her middle name.
-Lebo Sekgethela, Poetic Emotions
We are back again with poetry sessions and today we are graced by the incredible Lebogang Sekgethela. Lebogang is a published poet and performer. She was born and raised in the village of Majaneng in Hammanskraal, Pretoria. Her love for writing was sparked at a young age by the discovery of old anthologies at home. “I was surprised by the way the poets played around with words”, she shares. She then later started writing and performing her own poems and has not stopped to date. She adds that without God on her side, she would not have gotten this far with her poetry, “when I perform or write a new poem,I feel His [God] presence, love and support”, she says. She passionately shares that God gave her the idea to start publishing her work and that’s how her book, Poetic Emotions came to life. The book, she adds, is to date her greatest achievement and highlight as a poet. “It helped me to get recognized in the world of poetry and writing”, she shares.

, “I was only able to state my opinions and express my feelings in a poetic way and that made me feel better”
In the interview, she adds that her background and her everyday experiences while growing up are the inspiration behind her poetry, “I was only able to state my opinions and express my feelings in a poetic way and that made me feel better”, she says. Well, that hasn’t stopped because poetry is still her sanctuary even today. More books and performances are definitely in the pipelines for her. “I have another anthology coming soon, it is currently sent for publishing”, she excitedly shares.
Her book Poetic Emotions can be bought on, you can use the book title or her name, Lebo E. Sekgethela, to search for the book. If you want a hard copy, you can contact her on social media. She is Lebo.Sekgethela on Instagram, Lebo Sekgethela on Facebook and LeboSekgethela on Twitter
Hi. I just wanted to say thank you very much for the work you’re doing. Very inspirational and uplifting.
Keep doing what you’re doing. I love it and I appreciate it.
Sincerely Nicole.