
Matidi Sechaba: From a dream to reality


For the young Matidi Sechaba sitting in that classroom in grade 10, owning a business was a dream, a vison he had for his future. Today, he walks with a smile on his face because he is living the reality of his childhood dreams.

“As a child I can say I was naughty and playful as expected from any child, although I was very shy, ” he says. He chuckles as he remembers how he used to be one of the funny kids in class. He furthered his university studies at Tshwane University of Technology where he studied Human Resource Management. “What I loved about the course is that Human Resource Management is all about managing people and I’ve always had the passion to manage people and resolve their problems.”

Fast Forward to 2020 he decided it was the perfect time to establish his business. “After I realised that I’ve gained too much work experience during these 5 years I then wished to start my own company,” he says. That’s how MATT SECH labour consultants was born. He further elaborates on what he aims to do with the company. “My aim is to get as more clients (employers). To assist and advice them with all their labour related issues, industrial relations and HR support. I also want to ensure that all my clients get a professional service and for Matt Labour Consultants to be well known from proving such professional service and to remain consistent in this regard, “he says.

I was discouraged by the fear of failing”

Starting a new venture is exciting but the road is not exempted from some bumps. “I was discouraged the fear of failing and I was discouraged by the fact that it would be a conflict of interest, which is against company policy to start the same company while still working there”, he said. He knew he was at crossroads and whatever decision he was going to make was going to affect his future. “I then decided it is time I became independent and start my own thing. I decided to resign and started Matt Sech Labour Consultants in August 2020, ” he shares.

He confidently talks about the role God has in his life. He says that he knows for a fact that he is nothing without God. “Starting my own company would have not been possible without God, it had to take faith for me to start my own company from nothing. The thought to establish this company and have it run is the wisdom from God”, he confidently says.

During the interview he leaves his wise words for other people who would like to start their own companies. He emphasizes that people shouldn’t hold back on starting a business because of fear because that thought is from the enemy. “If you fail, learn from your mistakes and continue to work hard to rectify. Never aim to start big, start with the little that you have, have discipline and patience as you build your company. Pray and work hard”, he passionately says.

The future is looking bright for this determined young man and with God on his side we have to keep those shades on because it has just become brighter. For all your labour related issues, industrial relations and HR support, Matt Sech Labour Consultants is the place for you!

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