Clothed with the strength and boldness of her father and wrapped with the kindness and accommodative nature of her mother, Mmapula Lesailane’s life is a blueprint of how small beginnings can lead to big strides.

“Growing up, I was a curious child who questioned everything that happened around me, ” she says. Her curiosity – a seed, has grown to become a massive tree that has not only provided shade for herself, but many others.
After completing her honours degree in 2018, Mmapula was alarmed by the high rate of unemployment for science graduates. In addition, those who were employed were not in positions that gave them room to be innovative. “I have always thought of myself as an innovator and decided I would go and do research and find out how I can create a platform for scientists to be innovative and solve community problems, ” she says. After immersing herself in research, enrolling in business courses and volunteering at science companies, Mater Pluviam Holdings (MPH) was birthed.

MPH is a bioeconomic environmentally conscious company that aims to bridge the gap between scientific knowledge and its application and create a platform for science graduates to come and turn their scientific knowledge into services and products that communities can benefit from. Their solutions are centred around sustainability and encourage a move towards a green economy. They specialise in agricultural consultancy, waste management, phytoremediation projects, biogas projects and renewable energy and scientific validations.
When starting her business, Mmapula soon realised that people will hang onto old truths and make no accommodation for new ways of doing things. This often results in not being invited to decision-making tables, more especially when a company is led by young people. However, instead of conforming to old patterns of doing things, Mmapula confidently says, “ we decided to create our own tables!”
It takes a team to make a dream work; and even sweeter when that dream is cultivated alongside your favorite human being. Mmapula works alongside her sister, Mmadikhole Lesailane who is the COO of MPH. “Mmadikhole has been part of my life journey since I was just a year and a few months old. To be able to bring this dream into realisation with her is a blessing because she knows my heart. With her by my side, I know Mater Pluviam Holdings is in capable hands,” she lovingly says.

For their exceptional work in the agricultural field, Mater Pluviam Holdings has won the top agricultural youth-owned brand in South Africa at The Top 16 Yoba awards. “This is just confirmation that we are on the right track. We are looking forward to joining global leaders in bringing solutions to the world and changing the landscape of scientific application in agriculture, ”says the proud CEO.
The young woman does not shy away from giving God the glory for how her life has played out. She has grown from being the little girl whose eyes would glisten with curiosity to being the leader of an award-winning company. Looking back at her footsteps she says , “all has been orchestrated by God… so we have left God to be in charge, and we are following.”
With the sky-high rate of unemployment in South Africa, Mmapula gives her take regarding the plight and suggests that entrepreneurship is the next best thing for young people. “Young people must embrace the world as it comes fast at them and venture into businesses. No one is going to save us, we have to do it ourselves,” she says.
Gratitude outpours as Mmapula explains how grateful she is for the love and support people have showered her and her company with since its inception; she further emphasizes that it is their votes that made the award possible. “May MPH be an inspiration for you to pursue your wildest dreams. There’s absolutely nothing you cannot achieve if you put your mind to it,” she says.