
“ Pay me back the money I [wasted] on your teaching materials about tithes…” says Phiri.

Dimpho Malatjie

In a sermon titled ‘The Great Misunderstanding’ American pastor, televangelist, and the founder of the non-denominational Christian World Changers Church International, Creflo Dollar publicly admitted that he misled congregants on tithing teachings.

During a Sunday service on the 26th of June this year, the pastor said, “ I will say that I have no shame at all at saying to you throw away every book, every tape, and every video I ever did on the subject of tithing. Unless it lines up with this [the Bible].

Since then, the topic has been at the tip of many tongues and South African Pastor, Enoch Phiri did not shy away from sharing his opinion on a recent Facebook post.

The Facebook post reads, “ Dear Pastor Creflo Dollar, 

I have seen and heard the stir and the addition of confusion you have just added to a confused religious fanatic sector.

I am afraid you are slowing down to the pit which swallowed your predecessors when they introduced the so called the ‘gospel of inclusion.’

Since you are my senior in the matters of the gospel I would not want to urgue with you on what the Bible says about tithe. I actually have some suspicions that one day you will woke up and recant the entire Old Testament. Your sentiments are a 101 introduction to high level of heresy and New Age purported by the New World Order.


  1. Pay me back the money I worsted on your teaching materials about tithe, pay back my air tickets for the manipulative conferences you persuaded me to attend, the hotels and other expenses I incurred. I believe you must put both your personal and Church assets acquired through criminal manipulative proceedings on auction and pay back the money to those who fell as victims under your spell. Both the Old Testament and the New Testament teaches strongly about Restorative Justice. Repentance without action is not just enough.
  2. Secondly please retire from the pulpit and from preaching before you repent again about your teachings. When one is tired, one must just call it quit.

In His Service

Pastor Enoch F Phiri. ”

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