Raised in Motle in the North West. He knew music was for him in primary school and discovered that he could use that to his advantage. “I used to sing so I can get lunch and pocket money from my classmates, entertain them”, he says. That love didn’t die out but continued to grow when he got to high school. He then joined a music group called Bophelong music group where his knowledge of music was broadened and where he also discovered his gift of song writing. He then wrote a song called Ramasedi.
From there he has worked with several music groups such as Praising Aroma, Atmosphere of Worship and Royalty. He passionately elaborates more on his amazing song writing process, “Actually to tell you the truth, I sing and then write after. I receive a song with melody and lyrics and sometimes what happens is that while the pastor is preaching, I receive the message melodically”, he says.
1 John 4: 4[ NIV] ‘You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world’. This is his favourite scripture and he says, “we always face challenges but when we remember that we are favoured, when we remember that we belong to someone who is greater than all. It gives me courage to move on to keep on going on because I know that wherever I go he goes before me like a consuming fire and he has my back”.
On recent exciting news, he has released his single Mxolele which can be found on all major digital streaming platforms. It has also been doing well on music charts. He gives is a glimpse behind the writing of the song. “My experiences wrote it, what I saw happening around me wrote it, what I saw happening in the church wrote it and the preaching that was preached and the verses that I read wrote this song”, he says. He was inspired by all the hardships he went through and in cases where he had to forgive and also mentions his experience of being abandoned by his father and having to also find forgiveness. He says what he enjoyed the most about this single is simply that it is real. “I believe in speaking what is real”, he says.
What he hopes people will take from the single is finding it easy to forgive but understanding that for it to be easy, it only takes God. “A human being can’t but if they decided that, ‘you know we can’t do this’ then God says, ‘Anything that is impossible with men is possible with me’ then it becomes easy,” he says.
His future is looking bright and as he says, “although that future may have darkness, it is still bright because everything will work together for my good”.