Nyagelani Village near Nwamitwa. She later moved to Johannesburg where she spent most of her
life but continues to visit the village to date. Growing up, she was a severe stammerer and hardly
spoke but her heart would light up whenever she would sing, and suddenly in those moments she
would feel like a normal child. Her siblings helped her conceal her precious secret until on one
occasion at a wedding her father forced her and her siblings to sing and that’s how she was known
by many as the songbird she is today. Music has always been a way of her life for her, coming from a
family of sangomas she fondly remembers the beautiful harmonies that would ooze from the
mouths of her aunts as they would sing along to traditional songs while making grass mats together.
Princess didn’t choose music; music chose her even before she was born.
Her mother and sister received Christ earlier in her childhood, so she basically grew up in the church.
Her father, having the knowledge that his daughter can sing would go to the extent of interrupting
program directors during church crusades to allow her and her siblings which were known as the
Shiburi Choir at that time to sing. Her father always believed in her gift and he even taught her how
to play the keyboard.
“Ntshava Leyi “ is the song that made many fall in love with Princess M’s ministry. ”People connect
to Ntshava leyi because it is a prayer and a declaration” she says. Everyone born of a woman faces
trials and tribulations and we all have faith that God will see us through. No matter what happens
trials will always be there therefore Ntshava leyi remains relevant and recent to any time and it
becomes the perfect prayer to sing. She has recently released an album titled The crown and the live
recording took place at Nkowankowa AFM Folife. All the songs written were inspired by the miracle
God performed in her life after she had experienced a terrible car accident which left her in a coma
and made her spend a maximum of two months in hospital. She lives to testify on the goodness of
God through the songs in her album.
Malinga who was her producer as well as her sister Jennifer and her husband Lindokuhle Hadebe.
They experienced challenges during the preparation of the live recording, finances being one of
them but God came through as He always does. Singing songs that she had written and getting the
opportunity to finally tell her story is what she looked forward to the most. This was her first live
recording meaning there were many new things to learn which made it furthermore enjoyable.
friend and her pillar of strength. She thanks her parents for introducing her to Christ and helping her
maintain her calling; her first-born son Amukelani who has helped her in writing her songs; Tsakani
Mbhalati who had taken the role of being a second mom to her children while she was busy growing
the Princess M brand and the rest of her children who she says are her biggest fans. All this is said
not forgetting everyone from around the world who have continuously shown their love and support
for her music.
To have your own Princess M experience, you can get her songs on all digital streaming platforms.