
Psalmist Pule: A trail of notes


He was born and raised in Limpopo Ga Sekhukhune (Mohlaletse). It was no surprise when the music bug bit him because he was raised by parents who were singers as well. Pule started by rocking the decks as a dj and was later discovered. “I was discovered by my uncle Thabiso in a church choir in 2010, I then developed passion and love for music. I served in church as a music leader. “He then met his friend Nicco Malatje who introduced him to stage. They then formed a group in 2016 called Night of Hymns Crew where he wrote his first song, Jeso A Fihla (available on YouTube) which introduced him to the industry.

He expresses his gratitude to family members as well as a list of friends including Psalmist Sefako, Nicco Malatje as well as Lucas Maloma for their endless support and being secure cushions to fall back on.

He shares that his favourite scripture is in Genesis 12. “For one to experience change or transformation they have to abandon their own desires. Change comes from obedience and we are a product of Abraham’s obedience”, he says.

On recent exciting news he has just released his single Bitsang Leina which can be found on all digital streaming platforms. He proudly says the song was written by him. The scripture Romans 10:13 is what inspired the writing of the song. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. “I wanted to reach out to souls to call the name because it has all answers to their questions, to remind everyone that God still saves, sets free when called”, he passionately says.

He shares that the message behind the song, the producer’s interpretation, vocal arrangements, sound, mix and basically the challenge he had working on the final product made him to fall in love with the song.

Lastly, he shares the vision of his music ministry and what he also aims to achieve with this single. “It’s all about God, my main goal for all my music is for people to recognise or be aware of God, His ability to change things that we think are difficult. It’s evangelism, revival and I want to remind people that God still pays attention to us, He is not deaf, mute or blind”, he says.

This man is leaving his imprint in the gospel music industry and we can’t wait to see what the future holds for him.

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