He is a pastor, chaplain, husband, new father and business mogul in the making. He is Remothabetse Benjamin Mahlangu. He is born and bred in the humble town of Qwa-Qwa, Free State, and he continues to live there. He is making great moves in his town. He recently started a multimedia company called Alpha Creationz, which is a marketing and advertising PR company which also dabbles in videography and photography.
He has an immense passion for photography and videography. He shares that he has always been curious about videography from a young age and he fed his curiosity by researching about it. He is a self-taught cameraman and his gift is growing and expanding as he feeds it. He shares that God has been and still is the backbone of the company, “half of the business is miraculous and unexplainable”. He shares that even though the company is small it is able to generate enough revenue every month to cover costs and they are able to buy equipment that is needed for everyday use even though they could not really afford it. They are also able to secure established clients who help their company grow to greater heights. He does not work alone, he has an amazing team that helps him run the ship. His wife is the secretary, he is the graphic designer and photographer and videographer, he has another camera operator and two people working on their customer care services. His team is God-sent really because when they heard he opened a company they offered their services. “Every month we are able to help a family and that is a blessing in itself”, he fondly shares.
He gives a couple of tips to young upcoming photographers and videographers: “get some knowledge to back your decision. Make sure there is a good balance between the business side and the artistic side. Be confident in you work, self-doubt will push you back. Develop people skills. Be honest with people, do not promise things you can not do or deliver. Be honest when it comes to finances and invoices. Deliver on time and high quality. If you have to hire equipment to deliver high quality material, then do that because it is all about reputation from the beginning.”.
They are raising Qwa-Qwa’s flag high for sure. If you need their services you can contact them through Facebook, they are @Alpha Creationz2.0. A website is yet to come so keep a look out.