The English saying- “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree”, is one this young man’s life exemplifies. Sandy Nkosenhle Simelane was born and raised in Likazi Kanyamazane, a small township near Nelspruit. Being born into a musical family, Sandy enjoyed the perks of being cushioned by music. He fell in love with singing at the age of seven and proudly says he learnt everything he knows about singing from his late father, Mmeli Simelane.
The young man takes us through the journey of creating his new single, Umuhle. “At first it was just a song that had no meaning to it. It was a moment of inspiration by the Holy Spirit. The more I wrote the more the song became meaningful to me”, he says.
Sandy shares that the song was released at the most painful time for him and his family. “I don’t know why I set this particular date. I didn’t know what God was planning”, he says. In hindsight, it makes sense why the song was released at this time as he says it has become a small pillar to lean on. “It is my offering to God that even at this time, in this pain, He is still Good, Jesu’ muhle njalo, even when it doesn’t feel like it”, he says.

Following the influx of love the single has received since its release, the young man says,“ I didn’t expect the support and love I’ve received from the public. It was so overwhelming, and still is”. This support has resulted in him having an outpouring of gratitude towards his supporters.
The future is definitely looking bright for Sandy. Through his music, his wish is that listeners may be strengthened by every song, lyric, melody, and harmony that is yet to reach their hearts.
Umuhle is available for purchase on all major streaming platforms. So, go ahead and get it and be reminded of the goodness of God!